Clients & Projects

African Energy Resources (AFR) Mmamabula West Project Botswana 2014 Borehole Data evaluation, Geological Resource Modelling, Resource estimate and classification (JORC), Mine design and schedulling, Resetve estimate (JORC) Coal
African Energy Resources (AFR) Sese Project Botswana 2012 Geological consulting services Coal
African Energy Resources (AFR) Sese Project Botswana 2014 Exploration Management, Geological Modelling, CPR and Resource Classification (JORC), Geoloical Input and management of Bulk sample (Pit) Mine design and schedulling Coal
Amelo Investments Goeraap and Perseel Western Cape, South Africa 2012 Desktop study Heavy Mineral Sands
Anglo Coal Gas division Waterberg Gas Project Limpopo, South Africa 2007 Creation of a computer geological model for a Coal bed Methane project. CBM
Anglo Termal Coal Vaalbult Mpumalanga , South Africa 2012 Coal Model and resource estimate Coal
Aquarius Platinum Mines K6 North West, South Africa 2013 Underground geological production services Platinum
Aquarius Platinum Mines K6 North West, South Africa 2014 Undergrond geological production services Platinum
Aquarius Platinum SA Everest Mpumalanga, South Africa 2013 Exploration Services Platinum
Aquarius Platinum SA Kroondal North West, South Africa 2013 Mine Geology production services Platinum
Aquila Resources Tete Coal Project Tete, Mozambique 2006 Assist in coal seam correlation study Coking Coal
Asenjo Energy Botswana Dukwe Project Botswana 2011 Geological Data and Model review Coal
Asenjo Energy Botswana Dukwe Project Botswana 2013 Geological Resource Model and CPR Coal
Asenjo Energy Botswana Mmamabula West Botswana 2012 Database services, data review and Geological modelling Coal
Asenjo Energy Botswana Mmamabula West Botswana 2013 Geological Model, Resource estimates and CPR Coal
Barplats Investments Limited Barplats Due Diligence North West, South Africa 2004 Model and Evaluate PGE Deposit Platinum Group Metals
Barrick Sedibelo North West, South Africa 2006 Model and Evaluate PGE Deposit Platinum Group Metals
Barrick/Placer Dome Platinum Prospects Western Bushveld, South Africa 2005 The company is currently evaluating Barrick”s platinum prospects, north of the Pilanesberg in South Africa. Platinum Group Metals
Bayer Bayer Chrome North West, South Africa 2006 Mining Model, Reserve Estimation and Mine Plan for purpose CPR in cooperation with Ukwazi Mining Chromitite
Beacon Rock Fuleni Project KZN, South Africa 2012 Borehole database, Geological resource model, Resource estimate and classification (SAMREC) CPR Coal
Beacon Rock Fuleni Project Mpumalanga , South Africa 2010 Core Logging Training Coal
Beacon Rock Grootgenoeg Project Limpopo, South Africa 2010 Geological Modelling Coal
Beacon Rock Hoedspruit North West, South Africa 2008 Exploration, Geological Modelling, Resource Estimation Platinum Group Metals
Beacon Rock Kruidfontein North West, South Africa 2009 Exploration, geological modelling, Resource estimation Platinum Group Metals
Beacon Rock Steelpoortdrift Limpopo, South Africa 2010 Geological modelling, Resource estimation Vanadium
Beacon Rock Swaziland Coal Potential Swaziland 2013 Evaluation of the geological potential of various coal resources in Swaziland. Coal
Becsa Boschmanskrans Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2013 Audit of the geological resource model created in Minex Coal
Becsa Coal Exploration Mpumalanga, South Africa 2011 Manage exploration drilling, borehole core logging, sampling and data processing of various coal prospecting permit areas. Coal
Becsa Coal Exploration Mpumalanga, South Africa 2012 Manage exploration drilling, borehole core logging, sampling and data processing of various coal prospecting permit areas. Coal
Becsa Khutala Colliery Mpumalanga , South Africa 2012 Core Logging Training Coal
Becsa Klipspruit Colliery Mpumalanga , South Africa 2012 Core Logging Training Coal
Becsa Klipspruit Colliery Mpumalanga, South Africa 2014 Review/Audit Borehole database, Minex Geological Resource model, resource estimates and classifications. Coal
Becsa Klipspruit Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2013 Audit of the geological resource model created in Minex Coal
Becsa Leandra North and South Projects Mpumalanga, South Africa 2014 Review/Audit Borehole database, Minex Geological Resource model, resource estimates and classifications. Coal
Becsa Middelburg Mine Services Mpumalanga South Africa 2009 Modeling Training Coal
Becsa Minex Training South Africa 2011 Provide Minex Modelling software training Coal
Becsa Minex Training South Africa 2012 Provide Minex modeling sofware training Coal
Becsa van Dyksdrift Colliery Mpumalanga, South Africa 2013 Review/Audit Borehole database, Minex Geological Resource model, resource estimates and classifications. Coal
Becsa Weltevreden Project Mpumalanga, South Africa. 2014 Review/Audit Borehole databse, Minex Geological Resource model, resource estimates and classifications. Coal
BHPB Energy Coal, Houston USA Cerrejon Coal 32Mtpa Project Colombia 2007 Geological representative for the shareholder Coal
Billiton Kalikuni Mine, LOM Extension Wetar Island, Indonesia 1997 Model Cu body in pit floor, estimate in situ resource Base Metals Copper Gold
Billiton Coal Evaluation of the Modeling Estimation Error and its effects on Reserve estimations CdelC Colombia 2000 “Model estimation error ” was applied during reserve estimates and the effect thereof was investigated and evaluated. Sub-Bituminous Coal
Billiton Coal In Situ Resource Comparison Carbones del Cerrejon Colombia 2000 Resource estimate comparison based on models created by CdelC and MBGS Coal
Billiton Coal Leandra North Project Mpumalanga , South Africa 2006 Review/Audit the Pre-feasibility Study Geological Resource Models Coal
Billiton Coal Mt Arthur North Project NSW, Australia 1999 Assist in modeling and evaluation of the coal resource in preparation for an Exploration Permit application Coal
Billiton QNI Halmehera Laterites Halmehera, Indonesia 1998 Model and Evaluate 5 Laterite Deposits Nickel
Billiton QNI Laterite Mine Due Diligence New Caledonia 1998 Model and Evaluate Laterite Deposit Nickel
Boynton Investments Grootboom Hill Prospect Mpumalanga, South Africa 2003 Model and Evaluate PGE Deposit Platinum Group Metals
Boynton Investments Ruighoek Project North West, South Africa 2004 Model and Evaluate PGE Deposit Platinum Group Metals
Boynton Platinum Magazynskraal North West, South Africa 2010 Exploration, Core logging, Database Management Platinum Group Metals
Boynton Platinum Magazynskraal North West, South Africa 2011 Geological modelling Platinum Group Metals
Buffalo Coal Magdalena Colliery KZN, South Africa 2015 Model Poor roof conditions Coal
Cargill Carolina Coal Operations Mpumalanga 2014 Evaluation of the coal resources and mining planning and design of the coal operations Coal
Cargill Kranspan Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2013 Evaluation of the coal resource Coal
Central Energy Fund Low Smoke Fuel Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2007 Geological Resources Model Torbanite
CIC Energy Mmabula Botswana 2011 Data Review ans Processing Coal
CIC Energy Umalabu Project Botswana 2011 Data Processing Coal
Coal of Africa (CoAL) Champudi Project Limpopo, South Africa 2013 Geological resource model Coal
Coal of Africa (CoAL) Generaal Project Limpopo, South Africa 2013 Geological resource model Coal
Coal of Africa (CoAL) Jutland Project Limpopo, South Africa 2013 Geological resource model Coal
Coal of Africa (CoAL) Wildebeest Project Limpopo, South Africa 2013 Geological resource model Coal
Continental Coal Anker Coal De Diligence Mpumalanga, South Africa 2013 Geological due diligence of all the Anker Coal resources in Mpumalanga Coal
Continental Coal CPR updates South Africa 2011 CPR”s for Australian stock exchange listing Coal
Continental Coal Penumbra Ermelo, South Africa 2014 Geological modelling, underground geological mapping, Exploarion management, Mine planning, LOM Schedulling Coal
Continental Coal Penumbra Ermelo, South Africa 2015 Geological modelling, Undeground mapping, Mine planning, LOM schedulling Coal
Continental Coal Penumbra Mpumalanga, South Africa 2012 Exploration services, Geological modelling and mine design Coal
Continental Coal Penumbra Mpumalanga, South Africa 2013 Underground Geological Services Coal
Continental Coal Penumbra Opencast Mpumalanga, South Africa 2012 Exploration Services, geological modelling, mine design Coal
Continental Coal Project X Mpumalanga, South Africa 2011 Resource evaluation, Data validation, Resource model, Resource estimate and calssification , Geological CPR (SAMREC) Coal
Continental Coal Vaalbank Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2011 Resource evaluation, Data validation, Resource model, Resource estimate and calssification , Geological CPR (SAMREC) Coal
Council for Geosciences Molteno Coalfield Eastern Cape, South Africa 2011 Coal Resource Estimation Coal
Council for Geosciences Springbokvlakte Limpopo, South Africa 2011 Coal Resource estimation Coal
De Beers – Botswana Morupule Colliery Botswana 2009 Resource Review , Botswana Coal
Delmas Coal KiPower IPP Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2015 Geological Resource CPR Coal
Delta Gold Ingezi PGM Deposit Great Dyke, Zimbabwe 1998 Model and Evaluate Resources Platinum Group Metals
Dragon Resources Lekebong Diamond Project Lesotho 1999 Model and Evaluate Diamond Pipe Diamonds
ENRC Corporate Borehole database South Africa 2012 Evaluation of the borehole database (GBIS – GEOBANK) Coal
ENRC Moz 871L Mozambique 2010 Geological modelling, model review Coal
Espiritos Santos Commercial Bank Luo Mine Angola 2006 Part of review team to assist/advise major shareholder with strategy Kimberlitic Deposit
Exxaro Resources Minex Modeling Training South Africa 2013 Advanced Minex training Coal
Eyesizwe Coal Arnot Colliery Mpumalanga, South Africa 2001 Implement Gemcom Minex at Colliery Coal
Eyesizwe Coal Kranspan Project Mpumalanga , South Africa 2005 Model and Evaluate Coal Deposit Coal
Eyesizwe Coal Strathrea Colliery Mpumalanga , South Africa 2005 Model and Evaluate Coal Deposit Coal
Eyesizwe Mining (Pty) Ltd New Coal – Eyesizwe Due Diligence Johannesburg, Gauteng 2000 Review and Audit Geology,Resource and Reserves Coal
Forbes Coal Dundee Coal Operations KZN, South Africa 2014 Borehole Database, Geological resource model, Resource Estimate, resource classificatiobn (Canadian Ni 43-101), Input to the mining due diligence Coal
Forbes Coal Magdalena Colliery KZN, South Africa 2011 Create a Minex resource model Coal
Forbes Coal Zambese Project Zimbabwe 2011 Geological Modeling and report Coal
Golder Associates Africa Masa Mozambique 2012 Heavy Sands Exploration Heavy Mineral Sands
GVM Ltd Limpopo Project Limpopo, South Africa 2005 Creation of a geological model and the Writing of a Competent Person’s Coking Coal
Hernic Maroelafontein Andalusite Thabazimbe North West, South Africa 1999 Model and Evaluate Andalusite Deposit Andalusite
Hodges Resources Morupule South Botswana 2012 Geological modelling, Resource estimation Coal
Hodges Resources Morupule South Botswana 2015 Resource modelling and reporting Coal
Hythe Securities, London UK Potential CBM Targets in South Africa South Africa 2006 Identify potential CBM target areas in South Africa Coal
Ichor Coal Coal South Africa 2014 Geological consulting services Coal
Imalivest Mokala Manganese Northern Cape, South Africa 2014 Exploration Management, Geological Modelling, Mine design and schedulling Manganese
Imalivest Naudesbank Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2014 Geological evaluation of the geological model, resources and coal qualities, General geological consulting services Coal
Imalivest Various Coal projects South Africa 2013 Geological consulting Services Coal
Imalivest Zimbabwe Coal Project Zimbabwe 2012 Evaluation of various coal resources in Zimbawe Coal
Ingwe Coal Corporation DMO Project Mpumalanga , South Africa 2006 Review/Audit the Feasibility Study Mine Planning and Mining Model Coal
Ingwe Coal Corporation Douglas Open Cast Pillar Mining Mpumalanga, South Africa 2002 Build Pillar Extraction Model Coal
Ingwe Coal Corporation IMP Project Mpumalanga , South Africa 2006 Review/Audit and Acting in acting in an advisory capacity (mining specialist) throughout implementation of Xpac Coal
Ingwe Coal Corporation Ingwe LOM Mpumalanga , South Africa 2005 Substantial involvement in Modelingand Scheduling of various LOM plans for various Ingwe Collieries and Project department using Minex Apollo Coal
Ingwe Coal Corporation Khutala Colliery Mpumalanga, South Africa 2004 Model and Evaluate Coal Deposit Coal
Ingwe Coal Corporation Khutala Optimisation Project Mpumalanga , South Africa 2006 Creation of a geological resource model from base principles for a pre-feasibility study to optimise the utilisation of the coal resource Coal
Ingwe Coal Corporation and Anglo Coal SA Zaid Colliery assessment Mpumalanga, South Africa 2004 Assessment and evaluation of the resources in the Zaid Colliery area and surrounds Coal
International Ferro Metals Limited Skychrome North West, South Africa 2011 Geological model, chromitei resource reporting Chromitite
Investec Bank Marua Pegmatite Mine Mozambique 1999 Model and Evaluate Pegmatite Deposit Tantalum
Ixia Coal (Pty) Ltd Mbila Project KZN, South Africa 2014 Resource evaluation, Data validation, Resource model, Resource estimate and classification , Geological CPR (SAMREC) Coal and Anthracite
JIC Mining Services Lwishia Copper Project Zaire 2007 Evaluation of the copper deposit Base Metals Copper
Jindal Mining Kiepersol Colliery Mpumalanga, South Africa 2011 Geological Modelling Coal
Kumba Resources Tshikondeni Colliery Limpopo, South Africa 2006 Reserve Audit in cooperation with Golder and Associates Coking Coal
Kumba Resources and Eyesizwe Coal Kumba Resources and Eyesizwe Coal Assets Waterberg, Highveld and Witbank Coalfields, South Africa 2006 The assessment of the geology of Kumba Resources” operational mines, projects and prospect and the complete assessment of Eyesizwe Coal”s projects and prospects in association with SRK Consulting Coal
Kuyasa Investments Coal Resource Purchase Offer Mpumalanga, South Africa 2007 Assist in the preparation of a proposal and purchase offer for a coal resource Coal
Kuyasa Mining Pty Ltd Delmas Collery Mpumalanga , South Africa 2011 Coal Quality Course Coal
Kuyasa Mining Pty Ltd Delmas Colliery Mpumalanga 2011 Exploration Services, Core logging and sampling, Underground quality control, Resource estimations. Various geological resource evaluations Coal
Kuyasa Mining Pty Ltd Delmas Colliery Mpumalanga , South Africa 2009 Geological resource Modeling Coal
Kuyasa Mining Pty Ltd Delmas Colliery Mpumalanga , South Africa 2010 Geologial Resource Modeling, Exploration and operational geology Coal
Kuyasa Mining Pty Ltd Delmas Colliery Mpumalanga , South Africa 2011 Geological Serices – Exploration , operational geology Coal
Kuyasa Mining Pty Ltd Delmas Colliery Mpumalanga , South Africa 2012 Geological Services – Exploration and operational geological services Coal
Kuyasa Mining Pty Ltd Delmas Colliery Mpumalanga, South Africa 2012 Exploration Services, Core logging and sampling, Underground quality control, Resource estimations, Coal
Kuyasa Mining Pty Ltd Delmas Colliery Mpumalanga, South Africa 2013 Exploration Services, Core logging and sampling, Underground quality control, Resource estimations, Coal
Kuyasa Mining Pty Ltd Geological Mine Services Mpumalanga, South Africa 2012 Updating and maintaining of geological models, assist mine planning and quality forecasts Coal
Kuyasha Investments Delmas Extention Projtect Delmas Colliery, Mpumalanga 2011 Evaluation of a coal resource to extent the present mining operation Coal
Lexshell Elandsfontein Colliery Mpumalanga , South Africa 2006 Creation of mining and contribution model Coal
Lexshell Graspan Colliery Mpumalanga , South Africa 2006 Geological Modeling and the Creation of mining and contribution model, defining of new boxcut position Coal
Liberty Lane 25 Consortium Project Optix Mpumalanga , South Africa 2006 Fatal flaw study of the geology and geological resource, mine plan, mine schedule plus the creation of a mining financial model in Cooperation with SRK Consultants SA Coal
Liketh Panfontein Mpumalanga , South Africa 2011 Datacapture and Resource Modeling Coal
Lonmin Platinum K4 Shaft – Karee Mine Marikana North West, South Africa 2003 Integrate 3D Seismic Data in to Geological Model, Update Structure and Map Potholes Platinum Group Metals
Lonmin Platinum Lonmin Platinum Annual Resource Evaluation North West, South Africa 2001 Model and Update Geological Model of the Merensky and UG2 Reefs. Estimate Resources Platinum Group Metals
Lonmin Platinum Lonmin Platinum Annual Resource Evaluation North West, South Africa 2002 Model and Update Geological Model of the Merensky and UG2 Reefs. Estimate Resources Platinum Group Metals
Lonmin Platinum Lonmin Platinum Annual Resource Evaluation North West, South Africa 2003 Model and Update Geological Model of the Merensky and UG2 Reefs. Estimate Resources Platinum Group Metals
Lonmin Platinum Lonmin Platinum Annual Resource Evaluation North West, South Africa 2004 Model and Update Geological Model of the Merensky and UG2 Reefs. Estimate Resources Platinum Group Metals
Lonmin Platinum Lonmin Platinum Annual Resource Evaluation North West, South Africa 2005 Model and Update Geological Model of the Merensky and UG2 Reefs. Estimate Resources Platinum Group Metals
Lonmin Platinum Lonmin Platinum Annual Resource Evaluation North West, South Africa 2006 Model and Update Geological Model of the Merensky and UG2 Reefs. Estimate Resources Platinum Group Metals
Lonmin Platinum Lonplats LOM Western Bushveld North West, South Africa 2006 Assisted in enhancing/keeping interim spreadsheet based LOM forecast planning system active during personnel shortage Platinum Group Metals
Lonmin Platinum Panton Sill Western Australia 2004 Model and Evaluate PGE Deposit Platinum Group Metals
Lonmin Platinum Rowland Meresnky North West, South Africa 2007 Geological modelling and resource reporting of the Meresnky Reef Platinum Group Metals
Mashala Resources Botswana Coal Botswana 2011 Desktop study Coal
Mashala Resources De Wittekrans Mpumalanga, South Africa 2010 Exploration, Geological modelling, CPR Coal
Mashala Resources De Wittekrans Mpumalanga, South Africa 2011 Feasibility study, CPR Coal
Mashala Resources Ferreira Mpumalanga, South Africa 2009 Exploration, Geological modelling, Resource estimation, CPR Coal
Mashala Resources Knapdaar Mpumalanga, South Africa 2009 Exploration, Geological modelling, Resource estimation, CPR Coal
Mashala Resources Kweneng Botswana 2011 Gelogical consulting, exploration planning, exploration management Coal
Mashala Resources Kweneng Botswana 2012 Geological modelling, resource estimation Coal
Mashala Resources Leiden Mpumalanga, South Africa 2008 Exploration, geological modelling, resource estimation, CPR Coal
Mashala Resources Leiden Mpumalanga, South Africa 2013 Exploration, Geological modelling, mine design and scheduling Coal
Mashala Resources Penumbra Mpumalanga, South Africa 2007 Exploration, Geological modelling Coal
Mashala Resources Penumbra Mpumalanga, South Africa 2010 Exploration, Geological Modelling, Resource Estimation, CPR, Feasibility Study Coal
Mashala Resources Serowe Botswana 2011 Gelogical consulting, exploration planning, exploration management Coal
Mashala Resources Serowe Botswana 2012 Geological modelling, resource estimation Coal
Mashala Resources Wesselton Mpumalanga, South Africa 2009 Exploration, geological modelling Coal
Mashala Resources Wesselton 2 Mpumalanga, South Africa 2008 Exploration, Geologcal modelling, Resoucre Estimation Coal
Mbuyelo Coal Kebrafield Mpumalanga, South Africa 2013 Geological modelling, Resource Estimation Coal
Mbuyelo Coal Klipfontein Mpumalanga, South Africa 2013 Exploration, Geological modelling, resource estimation Coal
Mbuyelo Coal Klipfontein Mpumalanga, South Africa 2014 Exploration mangement, core logging and sampling, geological database, coal resource estimations, mine design and scheduling Coal
Mbuyelo Coal Manungu Mpumalanga, South Africa 2014 Core logging, Geological modelling, Resource estimation, Mine design and scehduling, Competent persons report – resource and reserve Coal
Mbuyelo Coal Manungu Mpumalanga, South Africa 2015 Geologicla modelling, resource and reserve statement, LOM planning, Competent persons reporting. Coal
Mbuyelo Coal Vlakvarkfontein Mpumalanga, South Africa 2013 Geological Exploration services, Modelling, Resource estimates, CPR and Mine design, Mine scheduling Services Coal
Mbuyelo Coal Welgemeend Mpumalanga, South Africa 2013 Exploration services, modelling, resource estimations, CPR, Mine design and scheduling services Coal
Mbuyelo Coal Welgemeend Mpumalanga, South Africa 2014 Exploration management, Core logging and sampling, Geological modelling, Mine design and scheduling, Competent persons report- Resource and Reserve Coal
Mbuyelo Coal Welgemeend Mpumalanga, South Africa 2015 Geological modelling, Resoucre reporting Coal
Mbuyelo Coal Welstand Mpumalanga, South Africa 2013 Geological modelling, Resource estimation Coal
Mbuyelo Coal Welstand Mpumalanga, South Africa 2014 Exploration mangemenet, core logging and sampling Coal
Mbuyelo Coal Welstand Mpumalanga, South Africa 2014 Exploration, Geological modelling, Mine design and scheduling Coal
Mbuyelo Coal Welstand Mpumalanga, South Africa 2015 Geological modelling, mine design and planning, LOM planning, Competent persons report – Resource and Reseves. Coal
Mbuyelo Group Kuilfontein Mpumalanga, South Africa 2015 Exploration mangement, core logging and sampling Coal
Mbuyelo Group Langverwacht Mpumalanga, South Africa 2015 Exploration management, core logging and sampling Coal
Mbuyelo Group Palmietfontein Mpumalanga, South Africa 2015 Exploration mangement, Core logging and sampling Coal
Mbuyelo Group Rirhandzu Colliery Mpumalanga, South Africa 2014 Exploration management, Core logging and sampling, Geological modelling, Mine design and scheduling, Competent persons report- Resource and Reserve Coal
Mbuyelo Group Rirhandzu Colliery Mpumalanga, South Africa 2015 Exploration management, core logging and sampling, geological modelling Coal
Mineral Commodities Ltd Maamba Colliery Project Zambia 2005 Complete evaluation of the Maamba Colliery operations and resources Coal
Mineral Resource Development Tuli Coal Botswana 2013 Exploration management, Geological modelling, Resource estimation Coal
Mining Consulting Services (MCS) Dundee Coal Project KZN, South Africa. 2014 General Geological consulting services. Coal
Mining Consulting Services Pty Ltd (MCS) Kellogs Project Mpumalanga , South Africa 2005 With the guidance of MCS. Laying out underground panels. Reporting reserves. Coal
Mining Consulting Services Pty Ltd (MCS) Optimum UG Project Mpumalanga , South Africa 2005 With the guidance of MCS. Laying out underground panels. Reporting reserves. Coal
Mining Consulting Services Pty Ltd (MCS) Vasse Project Queensland, Australia 2005 With the guidance of MCS. Laying out underground panels, reporting reserves. Running and reporting Schedules. Creating Plots Coal
Mining Consulting Services Pty Ltd MCS Theunissen Project Mpumalanga , South Africa 2005 With the guidance of MCS. Laying out of Longwall panels. Reporting reserves. Running and reporting Schedules. Coal
Mokala Manganese Gloria Hotazel, Kalahari, South Africa 2015 Geological modelling, mine design, mine planning Manganese
MRD Tuli Tuli block, Botswana 2013 Exploration management, coal resource estimation Coal
MTC Minerals Sefateng Limpopo, South Africa 2010 Geological modelling, Resource estimation, CPR Chromitite
Muhanga Mining Emmarentia Hendrina/Bethal 2010 Exploration, modelling and resource estimations Coal
Muhunga Mining Mahunga Mining Mpumalanga , South Africa 2010 Core Logging Training Coal
Mzuri Energy Rukwa Coal Tanzania 2010 Coal Exploration, resource model, resource estimate and classification plus Ni 43-101 CPR Coal
Mzuri Energy SA Coal Projects South Africa 2010 Evaluation of various coal resources Coal
Mzuri Enerjy Rukwa Coal Tanzania 2011 Geological services, Modelling, Resource Estimates, CPR Coal
NAB Mining Ltd Revuboe Project Tete, Mozambique 2006 Creation of a computer geological model for the project area, from base borehole data Coal
New Venture Mining Zwartkopfontein North West, South Africa 2009 Geological modelling Manganese
Nkwe Platinum Eerstegeluk Limpopo, South Africa 2008 Geological Modelling, Resource estimation Platinum Group Metals
Optimum Coal Holding Koornfontein Mpumalanga, South Africa 2010 Geological Modelling Coal
Optimum Coal Holdings Fuleni Project KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa 2011 Exploration advise, setting logging and sampling standrads, Geological Modelling, Resource Estimation Coal
Optimum Coal Holdings Koornfontein Koornfontein 2011 Geological Modelling Coal
Optimum Coal Holdings Mpefu Project Limpopo, South Africa 2010 Data capture and validation, Geological modelling, Resource estimation, Geological CPR. Coal
Optimum Coal Holdings Optimum Colliery Mpumalanga, South Africa 2009 Remodel resource from base principles using Minex, Resource estimate and classification (SAMREC Code) Produce a Geological CPR Coal
Optimum Coal Holdings Overvaal Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2010 Data capture and validation, Geological modelling, Resource estimation, Geological CPR. Provide geological input for the pre-feasibility study Coal
Optimum Coal Holdings Vlakfontein Project Mpumalangs, South Africa 2010 Data capture and validation, Geological modelling, Resource estimation, Geological CPR. Provide geological input for the pre-feasibility study Coal
Pamish Greenside Dump Mpumalanga , South Africa 2011 Geological Resources, Modeling and CPR Coal
Pilansberg Platinum Mines Pilansberg Mine North West, South Africa 2011 Geological model and Resource review Platinum Group Metals
Pilansberg Platinum Mines Pilansberg Mines North West, South Africa 2013 Geological modelling services Platinum
Pilansberg Platinum Mines Platmin North West, South Africa 2011 SABLE Borehole database audit Platinum Group Metals
Pilansberg Platinum Mines Sebidelo North West, South Africa 2014 Geological resource model audit Platinum
Placer Dome, Johannesburg Blue Ridge Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2003 Review and Audit Geological Model,Estimate Resources Platinum Group Metals
Placer Dome, Johannesburg Grass Valley Prospect Limpopo Province 2003 Review and Audit Geological Model,Estimate Resources Platinum Group Metals
Platexco (Canada) Winnaarshoek Platinum Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2000 Model and Evaluate the Merensky and UG2 Reefs (exploration to feasibility study) Platinum Group Metals
Platexco Ltd, Toronto Platinum Mine Feasibility Study Eastern Bushveld, South Africa 2000 This project was conducted in association with RSV Consulting Engineers (Johannesburg) and Micon International (Toronto). Gemecs” responsibilities included all resource modeling and resource and reserve estimation. Platinum Group Metals
Puckree Group Boschkrans Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2013 Exploration, Resource Modelling, Resource estimate and classification (SAMREC) Coal
Puckree Group Boschkrans Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2014 Exploration, Resource Modelling, Resource estimate and classification (SAMREC) Coal
Puckree Group Bultfontein Project Mpumalanga, South Africa. 2014 Exploration, Geological modelling, resource estimation, Geological inset in feasibility study. Coal
Puckree Group Schoongezicht Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2014 Exploration, Resource Modelling, Resource estimate and classification (SAMREC) Coal
Randex Copper Oxide Project Copper Belt, Zambia 1997 Model and Evaluate the Oxidized Zone of the Ore Body at 9 Locations Base Metals Copper
Rift Value Resources Kangankunde Malawi 1999 Model and Evaluate Carbonatite Pipe Strontium
Rio Tinto ZAC KZN, South Africa 2012 Audit od aa MInex Geological resource model Anthracite
Rio Tinto ZAC KZN, South Africa 2012 Setup , loading and upgrading of the Gbis Borehole database plus normalisation of coal analyses. Coal
Riversdale Mining ZAC KwaZulu Natal, South Africa 2006 Audit of geological resource model and resource declaration for the annual resource and reserve declaration on the Australian Stock Exchange Anthracite
Riversdale Mining ZAC KwaZulu Natal, South Africa 2006 Implementation and creation of logging code dictionary. Anthracite
Riversdale Mining ZAC KZN , South Africa 2011 Reviewing Minex Model Anthracite
Riversdale Mining Zululand Anthracite Colliery LOM KwaZulu Natal, South Africa 2007 Zululand Anthracite Colliery LOM Mine design and Schedule Anthracite
Rural Maintenance Kayelekera Malawi 2010 Geological modelling, exploration planning, Consulting Coal
Rural Maintenance Mean Jelawe Malawi 2010 Resource Estimation Coal
Salene Mining Red River Project Limpopo, South Africa 1999 Model and Evaluate Ti-Mag Layers Ti-Magnetite
Samancor Chrome Eastern Chrome Limpopo, South Africa 2015 Geological modelling Chromitite
Samancor Chrome Eastern Chrome Mines Limpopo, South Africa 2014 Geological modelling and resource estimations Chromitite
Samancor Chrome Westen and Eastern chrome South Africa 2012 Geological modelling, consulting services, Minex training Chromitite
Samancor Chrome Western and Eastern Chrome Bushveld, South Africa 2011 Geological modelling, consulting services, Resource estimations Chromitite
Samancor Chrome Western and Eastern Chrome Bushveld, South Africa 2012 Geological modelling, consulting services, Minex training Chromitite
Samancor Chrome Western Chrome New Order Mining Application North West, South Africa 2004 Model and Evaluate Four Chromite Deposits Chromitite
Sasol Mining Pty Ltd Bosjesspruit Sampling Project Mpumalanga , South Africa 2005 Evaluation of and determination of the sampling accuracy of an automatic sampling station on Bosjespruit Colliery Coal
Sasol Mining Pty Ltd Sasol Secunda Resources and Reserve Audit Mpumalanga, South Africa 2006 Full audit of the Geological Data, Geological Models and resources and Reserves Coal
Sasol Mining Pty Ltd Twistdraai Colliery Evaluation Mpumalanga , South Africa 2005 In association with SRK consulting, conduct the geological data evaluation for Sasol Mining”s Twistdraai Colliery. The project involved the auditing of geological information and systems, the validation of 3-dimensional computer geological models and sign-off of the resources and reserves. Coal
Sasol Mining Pty Ltd Waterberg Project Limpopo, South Africa 2006 Creation of a computer geological model of the Waterberg Coal Field Coking Coal
Sasol Mining Pty Ltd \ Ingwe Collieries, BHP Billiton SA \ Anglo Coal Australia and Kumba Resources Run Of Mine Beneficiation Project Limpopo, South Africa 2005 The specing and implementation of a Run Of Mine beneficiation module for Gemcom Minex Coal Washability
Sasol Pty Ltd Sasol Listing NYSE South Africa 2002 Detailed review of Sasol”s coal resources, in preparation of Sasol”s listing on the New York Stock Exchange that involved a comprehensive and detailed audit of all Sasol”s operational coal holdings to validate the resource base declared for listing requirements. Coal
Scienta Ermelo/ Davel Complex Mpumalanga , South Africa 2012 Complex Model and Date for PFS Coal
SDNP Morupule South Botswana 2011 Geological model and Resource statement Coal
Sekoko Coal Waterberg Project Limpopo, South Africa 2009 Exploration, Geological modelling, resource estimation, Resource Classification (SAMREC), Geological inset for feasibility study. Coal
Sekoko Coal Waterberg Project Limpopo, South Africa 2015 Provide a geological services (inputs) for the due diligence studies by Snowdens and KPMG Coal
Shanduka Coal Lakeside and Leeufontein Colliery Mpumalanga, South Africa 2011 Resource estimate and classification, Geological CPR Coal
Shanduka Coal Middelburg/Graspan Colliery Mpumalanga, South Africa 2010 Data capture and validation, Resource model, resource estimate and classification, Writing a CPR (SAMREC) Coal
Shanduka Coal Shanduka Coal Mpumalanga , South Africa 2012 Core Logging Training Coal
Shanduka Coal Shanduka Coal Mpumalanga, South Africa 2010 Core Logging Training Coal
Shanduka Coal Springboklaagte Limpopo , South Africa 2012 Data Processing and validation Coal
Shanduka Coal Springboklaagte Mpumalanga, South Africa 2013 borehole data processing using GBISof Micromine Coal
Shanduka Coal Springlake KwaZulu Natal, South Africa 2010 Geological modelling and Resource Estimation Coal
Shanduka Coal Springlake Colliery KwaZulu Natal, South Africa 2012 Geological modelling, resource estimation, mine design Coal
Shanduka Coal Steelcoal Resource Area Mpumalanga, South Africa 2011 Data Capture and validate, Geological Modelling, Resource Estimation, Model various coal quality products Coal
Shanduka Coal Uitkyk Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2011 Data capture and validation, Creating a Resource model, Resource estimate Coal
Shanduka Coal Zonnebloem Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2011 Exploration, Geological Modelling, Resource Estimation, Model various coal quality products Coal
Shumba Resources Mabasekwa Coal Project Botswana 2015 Create a Geobank Borehole database, validate and normalise borehole data, Create a Minex Resource Model, Do a resource estimate and classification. Produce a Geological CPR according to SAMREC Code. Coal
Shumba Resources Masekwa Project Botswana 2014 Evaluation of a CPR and geological providing consulting services Coal
Shumba Resources Sechaba Project Botswana 2013 Data Capture and validate, Geological Modelling, Resource Estimation, Model various coal quality products General Geological Consulting services Coal
Shumba Resources Sechaba Project Botswana 2014 Designing the drilling program;Positioning of boreholes in the field; Data processing, database management, Geological resource Modeling geological input for feasibility study. Coal
Silver Meadows Pty Ltd Boschkrans Project Mpumalanga , South Africa 2011 Geological model, Resource estimate and CPR Coal
Silver Meadows Pty Ltd Boschkrans Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2012 Geological services, Resource estimates, CPR Update Coal
Silver Meadows Pty Ltd Boschkrans Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2013 Geological Services, Exploration, Modelling, CPR Update Coal
Siyanda Coal Kangwane Anthracite Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2012 Review a CPR Coal
Snowden Consulting Minex Modelling South Africa 2013 Provide Minex 3D Fault Modelling Coal
South32 (Pty) Ltd Khutala Colliery Mpumalanga, South Africa. 2015 Geobank Borehole database training Coal
South32 (Pty) Ltd MIddelburg Mine Services Mpumalanga, South Africa 2015 Review/Audit Geobank Borehole databse, Minex Geological Resourcemodel plus the resource estimate and classification Coal
South32 (Pty) Ltd Pegasus Mpumalanga, South Africa 2015 Review (audit) Borehole database and Resource model (Minex) Coal
South32 (Pty) Ltd Vandyksdrift Colliery Mpumalanga, South Africa 2015 Review/Audit Geobank Borehole databse, Minex Geological Resourcemodel plus the resource estimate and classification Coal
SRK Consultants SA Umcebo RBCT allocation Mpumalanga , South Africa 2006 Assisted SRK in compilation of RBCT application Coal
Standard Bank of SA Highveld Coal Resource Mpumalanga , South Africa 2006 Due diligence study on coal resources for a capital loan application by a BEE mining company. Coal
Time Mining Soutpansberg Coalfield Limpopo, South Africa 2006 Capture and validate borehole data and analyses Coal
Total Coal SA Brakfontein Mpumalanga, South Africa 2010 Geological Modelling Coal
Total Coal SA Dorstfontein Mpumalanga, South Africa 2010 Geological Modelling Coal
Total Coal SA Eloff Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2011 Geological Modelling Coal
Turgis Consulting Project Gold Mpumalanga , South Africa 2009 Project Gold Due Diligences Study , resource modelling Coal
Turgis Consulting Wonderfontein BFS Mpumalanga, South Africa 2009 Geological Modeling for BF Study Coal
Umcebo Mining Klippan Mpumalanga , South Africa 2012 Data Procesing and validation Coal
Umcebo Mining Pty Ltd Amersfoort Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2006 Creation of a Geological resource model, evaluation and Resource estimate Coal
Umcebo Mining Pty Ltd Boschmanspoort Evaluation Mpumalanga, South Africa 2006 Creation of a Geological resource model, evaluation and Resource estimate Coal
Umcebo Mining Pty Ltd Doornrug Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2003 Model and Evaluate Coal Deposit Coal
Umcebo Mining Pty Ltd Exxaro Data Mpumalanga , South Africa 2011 Data Processing and validation Coal
Umcebo Mining Pty Ltd Keaton data Mpumalanga , South Africa 2011 Data Processing and Validation Coal
Umcebo Mining Pty Ltd Middelkraal Colliery Mpumalanga , South Africa 2011 Data Procassing and validation Coal
Umcebo Mining Pty Ltd Middelkraal Colliery Mpumalanga , South Africa 2011 Geological Model Review Coal
Umcebo Mining Pty Ltd New Castle Project KwaZulu Natal, South Africa 2006 Build a detailed computer model from borehole data and compute the resources and potential mining scenarios Coal
Umcebo Mining Pty Ltd Springboklaagte Mpumalangs , South Africa 2011 Geological Data and Model Review Coal
Umcebo Mining Pty Ltd Umcebo Coal resources Mpumalanga , South Africa 2006 Mining and Contribution Models as well as base scheduling Coal
Umcebo Mining Pty Ltd Umcebo Collieries Mpumalanga, South Africa 2006 Implementation and creation of logging code dictionary. Coal
Umcebo Mining Pty Ltd Umcebo Collieries Mpumalanga, South Africa 2007 Coal quality control and regular pit visits Coal
Umcebo Mining Pty Ltd Umcebo Collieries and Projects Mpumalanga , South Africa 2006 Capture and validate borehole analytical data Coal
Umcebo Mining Pty Ltd Umcebo Collieries and Projects Mpumalanga , South Africa 2006 Capture and validate borehole data and analyses Coal
Umcebo Mining Pty Ltd Umcebo Collieries and Projects Mpumalanga, South Africa 2007 Create a corporate borehole database for a coal company Coal
Umcebo Mining Pty Ltd Vlakfontein Evaluation Mpumalanga, South Africa 2006 Creation of a Geological resource model, evaluation and Resource estimate Coal
Umcebo Mining Pty Ltd Wildfontein Evaluation Mpumalanga, South Africa 2006 Creation of a Geological resource model, evaluation and Resource estimate Coal
Umcebo Minning Pty Ltd Kleinfontein Otto Mpumalanga , South Africa 2012 Data Processing and Validation Coal
UMK Mining Operations Hotazel, Kalahari, South Africa 2015 Geological model audits, Geological modelling, Mining grade models, Consulting services Manganese
Umlabu Mooifontein Colliery Mpumalanga, South Africa 2006 Creation of mining and contribution model, and base LOM schedule to assist SRK with CPR Coal
Universal Coal plc Arnot South Mpumalanga, South Africa 2012 Geological modelling, resource estimation Coal
Universal Coal plc Berenice Limpopo, South Africa 2011 Exploration, geological modelling, resource estimation, CPR Coking Coal
Universal Coal plc Berenice Limpopo, South Africa 2012 Exploration services Coking Coal
Universal Coal plc Brakfontein Mpumalanga, South Africa 2011 Exploration and geological modelling Coal
Universal Coal plc Brakfontein Mpumalanga, South AFrica 2012 Geological modelling and Mine design Coal
Universal Coal plc Brakfontein Mpumalanga, South Africa 2013 Geological modelling, Resource estimation, Mine design and scheduling Coal
Universal Coal plc Brakfontein Mpumalanga, South Africa 2014 Coal resource estimation, Competent persons report, Mine design and scheduling Coal
Universal Coal plc Kangala Mpumalanga, South Afrca 2012 Exploration services Coal
Universal Coal plc Kangala Mpumalanga, South Africa 2011 Exploration, geological modelling, CPR, feasibility study Coal
Universal Coal plc Kangala Mpumalanga, South Africa 2014 Exploration, Core logging and sampling Coal
Universal Coal plc Middelbult Mpumalanga, South Africa 2012 Geological modelling, resource estimation Coal
Universal Coal plc Modderfontein Mpumalanga, South Africa 2011 Geological Modelling Coal
Universal Coal plc New Clydesdale Mpumalanga, South Africa 2014 Geological database audit Coal
Universal Coal plc Roodekop Mpumalanga, South Africa 2011 Exloration and geological modelling, CPR, feasibility study Coal
Universal Coal plc Roodekop Mpumalanga, South Africa 2012 Geological modeling and Mine design Coal
Universal Coal plc Roodekop Mpumalanga, South Africa 2013 Exploration, Geological Modelling, Resource estimation, Mine design and scheduling Coal
Universal Coal plc Roodekop Mpumalanga, South Africa 2014 Core logging and sampling, resource estimation, Mine design and scheduling Coal
Universal Coal plc Soutpansberg Limpopo, South Africa 2011 Desktop study, CPR Coking Coal
Usutu Colliery Usutu Exploration Mpumalanga, South Africa 2011 Exploration services, resource estimation, CPR Coal
Vale Carnalita Brasil, South America 2012 Geologcal modelling, Minex consulting Potash
Vunene Mining Usutu Mine Ermelo, Mpumalanga, South Africa 2014 Geological modelling Coal
Vunene Mining Usutu Mine Ermelo, Mpumalanga, South Africa 2015 Geological consulting and modelling, Mine planning Coal
Vunune Mining Usutu Mine Mpumalanga, South Africa 2012 Exploration Services, Database services, geolocigal modelling, CPR. Coal
Vunune Mining Usutu Mine Mpumalanga, South Africa 2013 Exploration Services, Database services, geolocigal modelling, CPR. Coal
Waterberg Coal Comapny (sekoko Coal) Waterberg Project Limpopo, South Africa 2013 Borehole Data evaluation, Geological Resource Modelling, Resource estimate and classification (JORC) Coal
Waterberg Coal Comapny (Sekoko Coal) Waterberg Project Limpopo, South Africa 2014 Borehole Data evaluation, Geological Resource Modelling, Resource estimate and classification (SAMREC). Geological CPR Coal
Waterberg Coal Company (Sekoko Coal) Waterberg Project Limpopo, South Africa 2012 Geological resource modelling and input for a mining feasibility study Coal
Wescoal Pty Ltd Company Coal resources South Africa 2014 Assist with the resource and reserve report for the JSE in Johannesburg. Coal
Wescoal Pty Ltd Elandspruit Project Mpumalanga, South Africa. 2014 Exploration, Geological modelling, Resource estimation, CPR, Concept Mine design and mine scheduling plus costing Coal
Xceed Resources Bankfontein Mpumalanga, South Africa 2011 Evaluation and Exploration Coal
Xceed Resources Bankfontein Mpumalanga, South Africa 2011 Evaluation and Exploration Coal
Xceed Resources Moabsvelden Mpumalanga, South Africa 2010 Exploration, Modelling and CPR Coal
Xceed Resources Moabsvelden Mpumalanga, South Africa 2011 Exploration, Modelling and CPR Coal
Xceed Resources Moabsvelden Mpumalanga, South Africa 2012 Exploration, Modelling and CPR Coal
Xstrata Alloys Maloma Swaziland 2009 Geologcal modelling, Resource estimation Anthracite
Xstrata Alloys Projects review South Africa 2008 Review various Platinum projects Platnum Group Metals
Xstrata Alloys Resource Audit South Africa 2008 Annual Resource and Reserve Audit Chromitite, Platinum Group Metals, Vanadium, Anthracite, Silica
Xstrata Alloys Resource Audit South Africa 2009 Annual Resource and Reserve Audit Chromitite, Platinum Group Metals, Vanadium, Anthracite, Silica
Xstrata Alloys Resource Audit South Africa 2010 Annual Resource and Reserve Audit Chromitite, Platinum Group Metals, Vanadium, Silica
Xstrata Coal SA Coal Borehole database Mpumalanga , South Africa 2011 Data processing and GBIS setup Coal
Xstrata Coal SA Coal Exploration Mpumalanga, South Africa 2008 Managing a full Coal Exploration program including:- Positioning of boreholes in the field;- Manage drilling rigs- Manage geophysical logging unit- Drilling Standards Coal
Xstrata Coal SA Cons Brey Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2011 Borehole database, Geological resource model and resource estimate Coal
Xstrata Coal SA Gbis Corporate Borehole Database South Africa 2012 Assist and provide consulting servcies for Gbis Borehole Database Coal
Xstrata Coal SA Goedgevonden Project Mpumalanga , South Africa 2006 Creation of a geological resource model from base principles for a multi-product opencut coal mine Coal
Xstrata Coal SA iMpunzi Colliery Mpumalanga, South Africa 2007 Data validation, Resource model (Mine) from base principles, Resource estimates and modelling various coal quality products Coal
Xstrata Coal SA Mpumalanga Models Mpumalanga, South Africa 2011 Review various Geological resource models. Coal
Xstrata Coal SA Mpumalanga Projects Mpumalanga , South Africa 2009 Exploration Services Core logging and sampling Coal
Xstrata Coal SA Mpumalangs Projects Mpumalanga , South Africa 2011 Model Review Coal
Xstrata Coal SA Paardekop Project Mpumalanga, South Africa 2008 Data validation, Resource model (Mine) from base principles, Resource estimates and modelling various coal quality products Coal
Xstrata Coal SA Tanzanian Coalfields Tanzania 2006 Capture and validate borehole data and analyses plus topographical data Create a Minex model Coal
Xstrata Coal SA Tselentis Colliery Mpumalanga, South Africa 2011 Update of existing geological model Coal
Yakani Resources Lesedi Gauteng, South Africa 2009 Data capture and validation, Resource model (minex) based on historic drillhole data, Planning exploration Coal
Yakani Resources Mpefu Project Limpopo, South Africa 2010 Evaluation drilling and surface mapping, Exploration Programme. Coal
Zululand Anthracite ZAC KZN, South Africa 2015 Update GEOBANK Database, update Resource model plus Resource estimate and classification. Update the mine plan and scheduling. Anrthracite
  • African Energy Resources (AFR)
  • Amelo Investments
  • Anglo Coal Gas division
  • Anglo Termal Coal
  • Aquarius Platinum Mines
  • Aquarius Platinum SA
  • Aquila Resources
  • Asenjo Energy Botswana
  • Barplats Investments Limited
  • Barrick
  • Barrick/Placer Dome
  • Bayer
  • Beacon Rock
  • Becsa
  • BHPB Energy Coal, Houston USA
  • Billiton
  • Billiton Coal
  • Billiton QNI
  • Boynton Investments
  • Boynton Platinum
  • Buffalo Coal
  • Cargill
  • Central Energy Fund
  • CIC Energy
  • Coal of Africa (CoAL)
  • Continental Coal
  • Council for Geosciences
  • De Beers – Botswana
  • Delmas Coal
  • Delta Gold
  • Dragon Resources
  • ENRC
  • Espiritos Santos Commercial Bank
  • Exxaro Resources
  • Eyesizwe Coal
  • Eyesizwe Mining (Pty) Ltd
  • Forbes Coal
  • Golder Associates Africa
  • GVM Ltd
  • Hernic
  • Hodges Resources
  • Hythe Securities, London UK
  • Ichor Coal
  • Imalivest
  • Ingwe Coal Corporation
  • Ingwe Coal Corporation and Anglo Coal SA
  • International Ferro Metals Limited
  • Investec Bank
  • Ixia Coal (Pty) Ltd
  • JIC Mining Services
  • Jindal Mining
  • Kumba Resources
  • Kumba Resources and Eyesizwe Coal
  • Kuyasa Investments
  • Kuyasa Mining Pty Ltd
  • Kuyasha Investments
  • Lexshell
  • Liberty Lane 25 Consortium
  • Liketh
  • Lonmin Platinum
  • Mashala Resources
  • Mbuyelo Coal
  • Mbuyelo Group
  • Mineral Commodities Ltd
  • Mineral Resource Development
  • Mining Consulting Services (MCS)
  • Mining Consulting Services Pty Ltd (MCS)
  • Mining Consulting Services Pty Ltd MCS
  • Mokala Manganese
  • MRD
  • MTC Minerals
  • Muhanga Mining
  • Muhunga Mining
  • Mzuri Energy
  • Mzuri Enerjy
  • NAB Mining Ltd
  • New Venture Mining
  • Nkwe Platinum
  • Optimum Coal Holding
  • Optimum Coal Holdings
  • Pamish
  • Pilansberg Platinum Mines
  • Placer Dome, Johannesburg
  • Platexco (Canada)
  • Platexco Ltd, Toronto
  • Puckree Group
  • Randex
  • Rift Value Resources
  • Rio Tinto
  • Riversdale Mining
  • Rural Maintenance
  • Salene Mining
  • Samancor Chrome
  • Sasol Mining Pty Ltd
  • Sasol Mining Pty Ltd \ Ingwe Collieries, BHP Billiton SA \ Anglo Coal Australia and Kumba Resources
  • Sasol Pty Ltd
  • Scienta
  • SDNP
  • Sekoko Coal
  • Shanduka Coal
  • Shumba Resources
  • Silver Meadows Pty Ltd
  • Siyanda Coal
  • Snowden Consulting
  • South32 (Pty) Ltd
  • SRK Consultants SA
  • Standard Bank of SA
  • Time Mining
  • Total Coal SA
  • Turgis Consulting
  • Umcebo Mining
  • Umcebo Mining Pty Ltd
  • Umcebo Minning Pty Ltd
  • UMK
  • Umlabu
  • Universal Coal plc
  • Usutu Colliery
  • Vale
  • Vunene Mining
  • Vunune Mining
  • Waterberg Coal Comapny (sekoko Coal)
  • Waterberg Coal Company (Sekoko Coal)
  • Wescoal Pty Ltd
  • Xceed Resources
  • Xstrata Alloys
  • Xstrata Coal SA
  • Yakani Resources
  • Zululand Anthracite

<li>Base Metals Copper</li>
<li>Base Metals Copper Gold</li>
<li>Chromitite, Platinum Group Metals, Vanadium, Anthracite, Silica</li>
<li>Chromitite, Platinum Group Metals, Vanadium, Silica</li>
<li>Coal and Anthracite</li>
<li>Coal Washability</li>
<li>Coking Coal</li>
<li>Heavy Mineral Sands</li>
<li>Kimberlitic Deposit</li>
<li>Platinum Group Metals</li>
<li>Platnum Group Metals</li>
<li>Sub-Bituminous Coal</li>